Mavux Dug's

Pricing and Terms of Service

!!!Please read carefully and please make sure that you agree with all of these terms before commissioning me.


+Character(s)+100% of sketch price*per extra character
+Background+50%-70% of sketch price*depending on difficulty
+Details+50%-70% of sketch price*depending on difficulty
+Color sketch(s)+20% of sketch price*base color
+Painting+100% of sketch price*fully rendered
+Designstart at 150% of sketch price*character design sheet
+Commercialstart at 500% of sketch price*commission used for commercial purposes
+NSFWstart at 200% of sketch price*R34 art
+Chibi25 EUR for a sketchChibi art

*The sketch prices are located in the image above the additions, in the price chart.

Do's & Dont's


  • Gore

  • Mecha

  • Animals

  • Ikemen, Loli, Shota, Shounen, etc.


  • Realism

  • Furry

  • Inking

  • Lineart

Payment method: PayPal

No Deadline

I kindly ask you to not set a deadline when commissioning me. The reason being that I am a student in senior years and regularly have exam weeks that lasts up to 2 weeks every 2 months. I will not rush a commission. A deadline is therefore both a hindrance for you and me.

Orders: 1-3 orders/ time

Please be fully aware of the amount of commisions you would like to order. Please also consider the time that it will take for me to finalize the commission(s).

Communication: ≤ 2days

I would like both parties to stay in touch regularly during the collaboration. I will be sending you idea's sketches (rough sketches) and ask for your approval of the sketch. Therefore, please stay in touch with each other regularly. Especially during transactions.

!!! Deposits: 75% !!!

Please note that this is a service with advance payments. Therefore, I kindly ask you to deposit 75% of the total cost after you have approved the sketch idea (rough sketch) before I start working any further. Please also note that the deposit won't be returned once the clean sketch is sent if you want to cancel the commission midway.

Purpose of Commission

Please make sure to inform me the purpose of the commission so that I can adjust the price accordingly as I will assume at the start of every commission that the order is to be used for commercial. Commissioners are not allowed to use non-commercial commission for commercial purposes.

Artist's Authority

I am allowed to share the process, timelapse and final product of the commission on my social media (with signature and watermark), and have the right to use the commissions as samples.

Your cooperation is greatly appreciated! <3

You are interested in my service or clarifications are needed? Let me know!

© MavuxDug's